How to pack your suitcase effectively

Packing your suitcase can be quite the challenge. However, with the right tips and a good step-by-step plan, you'll have your suitcase packed in no time and are ready to go on your next trip. To help you, we share some tips on how to pack your suitcase as quickly as possible without using too much space. You only have to do this once, then you'll never forget.  

Some general tips 

Packing your suitcase doesn't have to be complicated. The first step is to choose your clothes wisely. Google the weather forecast, so you can easily match your clothes to the weather conditions of your destination. It's okay to bring an extra dress with you, but too many unnecessary pieces of clothing will quickly make your suitcase overpacked. The more clothes you take with you, the more you may overthink about the outfit you'll wear that day. Pick a few outfits as a ‘capsule collection’, where most items match each other. To save even more space, you can roll up your clothes. A little side note: your clothes wrinkle faster this way, so be sure that your clothes are suitable for this technique or pack a steamer. Another technique to easily save space is called the 'bundle technique'. This involves rolling the smaller items into the larger items, thus bundling your clothes together.  

If you bring your own shampoo and other toiletries, make sure you bring them in small quantities. This will save you a huge amount of space in your suitcase. Several shops sell small refill bottles. And are you a book lover? Then, of course, you're looking forward to reading a good book on the beach. We recommend taking an e-reader instead of a paper book. This not only saves space in your suitcase, but is also better for the environment.   

Organised travel  

Packing cubes are a great way to make your suitcase organised. They create different sections within your suitcase, so you can easily store and find your things. And they give you a nice overview of how many things you put into your suitcase. The Fusion packing cube set consists of four different types of organisers that fit perfectly inside your suitcase. The set fits seamlessly to make optimal use of all the space in your suitcase. This makes it easy to keep your make-up separate from your shampoo or hairbrush. Packing cubes come in different sizes and colours, pick your favourite that matches perfectly with your suitcase.


The Marie Kondo-way 

Last in this list of tips is Marie Condo, known for Netflix series 'Tidying Up With Marie Kondo' and her book 'The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up'. She talks about how best to tidy up and keep it that way. But she also gives a few tips when it comes to packing your suitcase. The first tip is to pack your suitcase in steps. Start with your clothes, then cosmetics, then important paperwork and finish with what's left. In addition, keep it as minimalistic as possible by bringing clothes that are easy to mix and match. In doubt about that one dress? Ask yourself the famous Marie Kondo question: "Does it spark joy?". If the answer is no, then leave it at home.   

After you've applied all these tips and tricks, you can confidently say you've made the most of the space in your suitcase. Wondering how to keep your suitcase looking perfectly clean after your last trip? Then read this blog on how to clean your SUITSUIT suitcase.